Female Football Week 2023
Gordon Football Club is really excited about our almost 80% increase in female players in 2023! That is HUGE! To celebrate, we hosted a number of Female Football Week events:
Game Leader Sessions for females
One of GFC’s most experienced and knowledgable Game Leaders, Ian, delivered 2 informative and valuable sessions on how to lead a MiniRoos game. “Thanks for such a fun and really helpful session this afternoon!” said one mum
Come and Try for all females
Alan kindly took a group of GFC mums, daughters, aunts and sisters through some skills training, followed by mini games. Many laughs were had! The popular sessions led to a group of mums signing up for football training for the rest of the season.
Launch of our Free Training for Girls
GFC was lucky to have received a Legacy Grant this year which allowed us to offer weekly training to girls for free. We celebrated with bubbles, glow sticks, cupcakes, Football NSW giveaways, balloons everywhere, music and tutus galore!
Goal Keeper Training
Thanks to James for his Goalkeeper training session that he ran for the girls during FFW. And to Roman for his time he spends coaching the G13s each week.