GFC Heroes Day

Join us for the next big social event on Gordon FC's calendar - our Heroes Sunday

Starting with a club-wide training session at Regimental Oval featuring a mix of traditional football games and skills (and some not so traditional ones) you will have your chance to achieve on-field hero status

We'll then head down to the Greengate to share some pizza, watch a movie and have the chance to challenge each other for off-field hero status in a range of games.  

See more details and book here

Gordon FC Trivia Night 2024!

Tickets are now open! It’s $59 per person including canapes. Cash bar available on the night.
Prizes include bragging rights!  
Book your tickets (or a batch of tickets) now to avoid missing out!

There will also be an auction on the night to raise extra funds for Gordon FC, with some prizes already donated by our generous sponsors including The Marshall Group and Gioca.  If you or your business would like to donate a prize, please contact events@gordonfc.com.au

Registrations for 2024 are closed for most teams

Players are still welcome in these age groups:
U6, U7 & U8
G8 & G9
G10 to G12

Bookings for training are still open

Head over to our training page to sign up for training with XLR8 and/or Vision Football

Read all about Gordon FC’s new partnership with Vision Football for 2024


To create a club that does football differently: Creating a niche for community football that’s supportive and fun, with involvement across teams through community events and a prominent club culture, developing strong players and individuals that stay a part of the club community.


Our mission is to grow, while maintaining our commitment to community and personalized player experience. We leverage our strong base and effective operating model to build on our value proposition. We welcome new players and volunteers and expand in line with our identity and our values.


Our purpose is to provide an enjoyable, supportive and community orientated football experience, providing players with opportunities and backed by a team of committed and passionate volunteers.

The core of Gordon FC is its commitment to players and community. Our purpose is to provide an enjoyable, supportive, and collaborative football experience, backed by a team of committed and passionate club officials. The goal of Gordon FC is to expand, in our numbers of teams, opportunities of engagement and pathways of development.

Our first and foremost priority will always be our footballing community. Our role is to ensure that players are taking the pitch, with the best playing experience possible.

Order match shorts and socks plus plenty more GFC merchandise HERE


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